Tuesday, January 4, 2011

UPDATE: Pet Loss Group rescheduled to January 19, 2011

Memorial Pet Services, in collaboration with HospiceCare, is pleased to offer a 4-week support group for people who have experienced the death of a pet. Our interactive sessions, led by a HospiceCare Grief Counselor, will provide information on the grief process, coping techniques and allow participants to share and support each other over the loss of their beloved pet.

The new session of the Pet Loss Support Groups starts:

January 19, 2011


Memorial Pet Services
4319 Twin Valley Rd
Suite 15
Middleton, WI

Participants must pre-register, as we need to have a minimum of 4 people in order to hold these sessions. Once the session has started, additional participants cannot be added. The price for this support group is $40/person.

For additional information or to pre-register, please contact Maura Taggart, HospiceCare, at 608.327.7265 or Memorial Pet Services at 608.836.7297.

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