Friday, November 20, 2009

Pins for Pets- fun bowling fundraiser for DCHS on December 6!

Do your kids love to bowl? Does your family want a fun way to support the Dane County Humane Society? Then sign your children up (age 7 and older) for the Pins for Pets fundraiser being held at multiple Badgerland Bowling Centers throughout Dane County on December 6! Just collect a minimum of $50.00 in sponsorships from friends and family and receive:

-a T-shirt
-3 games of bowling
-Pizza and beverages
-a chance to win great prizes!

Those with the three highest sponsorships at each location and the top bowlers in each age group will win prizes! The kid who raises the most overall money in sponsorships will win a Nintendo Wii. All proceeds go directly to helping the many homeless animals at Dane County Humane Society. The event will take place from 12:00pm-3:00pm.

Registration is due Monday, November 23, 2009  Tuesday, December 1, 2009 so make sure you sign up ASAP! To register contact Cory Neeley at 608) 838-0413 ext. 118 or .

Click here for more information, to download a pledge sheet, and for participating bowling centers.

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