Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LinkReferral: Great traffic tool for pet bloggers and other niche writers

Whether you have a blog about your own pets, pet care, pet news, pet adoption, or anything else pet-related, you’ve probably realized that creating traffic and buzz as a niche blogger is easier said than done. This is just a quick post to lend a helping hand to fellow pet bloggers.

If you search Google for tools to help increase traffic and hits, you’ll encounter more or less a lot of scams, pay-per-click offers, and link farms. Trust me on this one—I’ve tried just about all of them! The only tool I’ve really found that stands out for bloggers like me is LinkReferral. It’s free, it’s easy, and best of all…it’s not a scam. Yay!

LinkReferral is a simple concept. You add your blog or website to their listing in whichever category fits you best (for me, that’s “Home/Life” with subcategory “Pets.”) From there, you earn better placement in the directory by completing simple tasks: review other sites, post on the forum, visit other registered sites in the directory, or add a site to your favorites listing. By doing these simple tasks, you are participating in the network and increasing your rank in the directory. Better rank=more traffic.

Besides getting more visitors to your site, LinkReferral is a great way to network with other bloggers. While visiting sites in the directory, you’ll discover lots of similar blogs or websites to enjoy and frequent. Finding similar blogs and commenting on them is a great way to network and possibly exchange site links. Plus, you’re helping your LinkReferral ranking just by visiting these other sites. No more random Googling to find similar websites!

To me, the best thing about LinkReferral is the reviews. Other users can review your blog or website on items like navigation, content, load time, etc. Honest reviews by other bloggers are not easy to come by, but with LinkReferral they come free with the territory. I’ve really enjoyed seeing what users think of my site, and ways that I can improve it.

I’ll get off my soapbox now and get back to my regular scheduled content, but I really just wanted to share how useful I’ve found LinkReferral to be and how useful I believe it can be for other pet-bloggers (and any other kind of blogger!)  Free networking, reviews, and traffic—what’s not to like? :)

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