Thursday, September 3, 2009

Artist Dale Moses brings pets to life on canvas

Dallas artist Dale Moses is a painter of many talents. Over the years, he has refined his style to one that is uniquely his. Moses’ work is easily recognizable by the bright colors, simple shapes, and bold black outlines. Despite his consistent style, his subject matter is in perfect contrast. Moses takes everyday objects like a pair of tennis shoes and turns them into a bright, whimsical masterpiece. There is, however, one particular subject that Moses has a special talent for painting: animals.

Moses received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Illustration in 1970 from The University of Texas/Arlington. Up until the mid-80’s, Moses himself states there was no consistency in his art. He would paint seemingly random subjects with whatever style suited him at the time. It wasn’t until a Dallas art consultant offered him the advice to “develop a style” that he really began to establish and master his bold and unique style.

Though he continues to paint still-life and everyday objects, Moses recognizes that he has a special talent for capturing animals with a paint brush. For the last 15 years he has offered animal portraits at prices similar to his other works. However, due to the recent downturn in the economy, Moses has begun offering pet portraits for a significantly lower price. Moses can be commissioned to paint a one-of-a-kind portrait of a loved pet based on a photograph provided to him. His uncanny ability to capture the expressions and emotions of animals make his portraits truly masterful. In his hands, pets become works of fine art.

For more info: Visit Dale Moses online for prices, information and to see more works.

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