Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dane County playdates for tri-pawed dogs

Did you know that there are special playdates available for tri-pawd (the name affectionately given to animals with one leg missing) dogs in Dane County? I had no idea either until an awesome reader clued me in to these events.

"Tri-pawd Pawtys" (inspired by are an opportunity for people with three-legged dogs to come together for fun, support, or to share tips. And of course the dogs get to have fun and frolic too! Dogs with any number of legs are welcome to play along.

The next Tri-Pawd Pawty is scheduled for July 10, 2010 at at 8:30 am at the Badger Prairie Dog Park in Verona. If you'd like more information on this event or future events, you can email Brister82 [at] to be added to their mailing list.

Please be sure to check out the Tripawds website for more information about dogs who have lost a limb. It is a great resource!

(Photo Credit:

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