Friday, January 15, 2010

Pet of the Week: Nicky

This is my little boy Nicky.  He is a beautiful 5 year old orange tabby.  I adopted him from an acquaintance 2 years ago.  He has a stubby tail - nobody knows what happened for sure but the vet said it looks like it may have gotten caught in a trap or farm equipment when he was a kitten (he used to be a farm cat).  I have had many cats but Nicky is the best ever.  He is incredibly affectionate, loves having his belly rubbed and sleeps in the crook of my arm every night.  He's a great hunter too - he has caught various rodents while tied up in the backyard, and several mice in my boyfriend's house (good boy!).  I could never imagine my life without him.

Congratulations to Terry L. and Nicky of Madison, WI! Would you like your pet featured as Pet of the Week? Read entry instructions here.

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