Thursday, July 8, 2010

Review: Furminator deLuxe deShedding Tool + BONUS GIVEAWAY!

It's no secret to readers of Mad About Pets that I am crazy about the FURminator. I love it, I swear by it...I make my friends and family each buy one. If you're new to the world of the Furminator or didn't get a chance to read my original review, check it out here.
When I wrote my intial review of the FURminator, I was writing about the classic deShedding tool for cats. As it turns out, there is a whole new "deLuxe" line of products available since I wrote my review, with upgraded features from the original brush. Imagine my surprise when the fine folks at FURminator sent me a FURminator deLuxe deShedding tool for cats to try out! Yippy!!

The first thing I noticed about the deLuxe FURminator is it is significantly less heavy than the previous version. The head of the brush weighs much less, so there isn't as much of a possibility of knocking your unsuspecting pet unconcious while grooming him as with the classic version. The deShedding blade is the same size in the new version, so the reduction in mass doesn't sacrifice the quality of the blade.

The handle has been totally redesigned to make it an ergonomic fit for your hand. This is a major improvement over the classic model, as maneuvering the deLuxe FURminator is positively a breeze. The classic model did leave a bit to be desired as far as ease of use, so the new handle is a welcome change.

Rounding out the new design features is a quick-release button to release all the hair you collect with the touch of a button. This is nice when you really get into a good grooming rhythm, so you can release the hair into the inevitable pile 'o hair with one hand rather than stopping what you're doing and collecting it in your hand.

The changes to the new FURminator are very nice, and both new and old users of the FURminator deShedding tools will enjoy the deLuxe line. Just as with the classic model, I just don't have enough good things to say about the FURminator! It's an awesome product!!


In addition to sending me one to try out, the FURminator folks also sent me a FURminator deLuxe deShedding tool for cats to giveaway!

To enter the giveaway:

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post telling me why you'd like to win the FURminator.

Want some extra entries? Here's how:

5 extra entries:

*Blog about this contest with a link to this post (leave me a comment with a link)

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Please leave a separate comment for each additional entry to state you have completed the requirement. I highly suggest that you leave your email address in your comment(s) so that I am able to contact you ASAP if you're the winner. If I cannot contact the winner within 3 days, I will have to draw a new winner.

The giveaway begins today and ends at 11:59 Central Time on July 18, 2010. I'll then be drawing a random winner from all the entries.

Good luck!!

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